"The Actor's Tool Chest (A.T.C.): Your Key to Acting Success!"


    • You're an aspiring actor or new to acting, feeling lost and uncertain about your next steps. From securing an agent to marketing yourself and understanding the essential tools, you lack guidance.
    • The Actor's Tool Chest is here to empower you. It offers a comprehensive resource that teaches you the fundamentals and provides detailed insights into the
    • "7 Tools Every Actor Needs in Their Tool Chest."
    • With the A.T.C., you'll gain the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in your acting career. Boost your professionalism, captivate agents and casting directors, and experience increased call-backs and bookings.
    • I understand the struggles you face because I've been there too. I started out lost, fell for scams, and wasted time and money. But through perseverance and learning from my mistakes, I discovered how to navigate the industry effectively.

    • Gain confidence, knowledge, and a strategic edge over other actors. Stay ahead by receiving expert coaching and guidance.
    • Secure representation with a reputable agent, earn respect from casting directors, YOU want to unlock your acting potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve your dreams in the competitive world of acting.


 Results you can expect from the A.T.C.


The Booking Actor program:

(Results will vary depending on your efforts
and how well you follow the program's guidance.)


    •  Master the art of auditions and stand out from the competition.
    • Build a compelling actor's portfolio that grabs attention.
    • Enhance on-screen presence and versatility for diverse roles.
    • Navigate the industry confidently, armed with insider knowledge. 

    • Take charge of your acting career now!
    • Subscribe to the monthly membership of
    • "The Booking Actor" program and gain access to the Actor's Tool Chest.
    • Without the Actor's Tool Chest, you risk remaining stuck, missing opportunities, and struggling to make progress in your acting career. Don't let this chance slip away! 
    • I've walked the path you're on, and I know firsthand the transformation the Actor's Tool Chest can bring. Trust me to guide you, just as I have helped countless actors achieve success.
  •  Click on the button below to start your acting career off on the right foot!

This image below is just one example of one of several residual checks I received from a recent project I worked on:

Access the A.T.C. Course


Master the Art of Body Blocking


Become a Confident

On-Camera Performer

Are you unsure about camera directions and which hand to use on set?

Do terms like "cheat to camera" leave you baffled? Don't let these challenges hinder your performance! With our comprehensive Body Blocking for Camera course, you'll gain the knowledge and skills to position your body effectively on camera, whether you're acting alone or with a scene partner.


Benefits of Learning

Body Blocking for Camera:

  1.  Boost Your Confidence: Eliminate the uncertainty and confusion surrounding body movement on camera. Gain the confidence to deliver your best performance without the fear of looking inexperienced or unprofessional.
  2.  Enhance Your Professionalism: By understanding camera directions and body positioning, you'll project a polished and skilled image on set. Producers and directors will appreciate your ability to work seamlessly within the technical requirements of the shoot.
  3.  Save Time and Money: Efficient body blocking saves valuable production time. By knowing how to position yourself correctly, you'll minimize retakes and reshoots, allowing the production to run smoothly and stay on schedule.
  4.  Communicate Effectively: Learn how to convey your character's intentions and emotions through intentional body language. Mastering body blocking techniques will help you express yourself authentically and engage the audience on a deeper level.
  5.  Collaborate Seamlessly: When working with a scene partner, understanding body blocking becomes even more crucial. Develop the skills to coordinate your movements with your co-actor, creating a harmonious performance that captivates the audience.

Failure to Learn Body Blocking:

  1.  Missed Opportunities: Failing to grasp body blocking techniques can result in missed opportunities to showcase your talent. Poor positioning and blocking may diminish your performance, preventing you from fully expressing your character and story.
  2.  Production Delays: Incorrect body blocking can lead to unnecessary delays on set. Directors may need to spend additional time correcting your positioning or reshooting scenes, causing frustration among the cast and crew.
  3.  Negative Reputation: Inconsistent or incorrect body blocking can damage your professional reputation. Producers and directors expect actors to be skilled in all aspects of on-camera performance, including body positioning. Without this knowledge, you risk being seen as unreliable or lacking in essential acting skills.

Don't let body blocking hold you back from reaching your full potential as an actor.

Enroll in our Body Blocking for Camera course today and unlock the secrets to confident and professional on-camera performances. Transform your career and make a lasting impression on any production you're a part of.





Introducing the Self-Taping

Audition Course:


Master the Art of Self-Taping

and Book More Roles!

  •  Learn the essentials of self-taping: No more uncertainty! Discover how to self-tape auditions with confidence and ease.
  •  Set up a professional studio anywhere: Whether you're at home or on the go, we'll show you how to create a make-shift studio for top-quality self-tapes.
  •  Choose the right backdrops, lighting, and camera equipment: Say goodbye to guesswork! Learn which equipment to use to achieve a polished and professional look.
  •  Boost your confidence and knowledge: Stand out from the competition by mastering the art of self-taping. Feel empowered and knowledgeable in every audition.
  •  Get noticed by agents and casting directors: Increase your chances of landing roles. When your self-tapes look professional, they'll captivate the attention of industry professionals.
  •  Personal testimonial: Hear from someone who has been in your shoes. Our instructor used to struggle with self-tapes, but after learning the ropes, HER auditions started getting noticed. Don't let rejection hold you back.
  •  Experience the benefits of professional self-taping: Discover how self-taping according to industry standards can elevate your acting career. Showcase your skills effectively and impress decision-makers.
  •  Unlock more opportunities: When you know how to self-tape professionally, casting directors and agents will have more confidence in your abilities.
  • Open doors to exciting roles.
  •  Avoid the pitfalls of improper self-taping: Don't risk being seen as inexperienced or unprofessional. Learn the do's and don'ts to ensure your self-tapes make a lasting impression.
  •  Take charge of your career: Don't let technical challenges hinder your success. Gain the skills you need to book roles and make a name for yourself in the industry.

Don't miss out on this

incredible opportunity

to become a self-taping pro.


Enroll in the Self-Taping Audition Course today 

and take your acting career to new heights.